The Pharoahs Curse
Curses have been around thousands of years before King Tut. The Curse of Pharaohs is a curse that many people have argued if it is real or not. After years of arguing, people have agreed that the Curse of the Pharaohs is real.This consist of even cursed tombs which are rare and unique with chilling warnings for tomb robbers. A private tomb has the inscription, "Any ruler who... shall do evil or wickedness to my coffin... may Hemen not accept any goods he offers, and may his heir not inherit." A different tomb has the warning," As for all men who enter this my tomb... impure... there will be judgment... an end shall be made for him... I shall seize his neck like a bird... I shall cast the fear of myself into him." People who run into the Curse of the Pharaohs will possibly suffer bad luck, death or illness. In conclusion, the Curse of the Pharaohs is a very old deadly curse.